Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Research Marketing Carry marks ~ Sobs
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
new look of UNIMAS website
Latest innovation - Honda U3-X (experimental)

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Burst of technology helps blind to see
Reliant on a talking computer for reading and a cane for navigating New York City, where she lives and works, Campbell, now 56, would have been thrilled to see something. Anything.
Now, as part of a striking experiment, she can. So far, she can detect burners on her stove when making a grilled cheese, her mirror frame, and whether her computer monitor is on.
She is beginning an intensive three-year research project involving electrodes surgically implanted in her eye, a camera on the bridge of her nose and a video processor strapped to her waist.
The project, involving patients in the United States, Mexico and Europe, is part of a burst of recent research aimed at one of science's most-sought-after holy grails: making the blind see.
Some of the 37 other participants further along in the project can differentiate plates from cups, tell grass from sidewalk, sort white socks from dark, distinguish doors and windows, identify large letters of the alphabet, and see where people are, albeit not details about them.
Day before end of Raya Holidays
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Window Live Messenger Malfunction
pls visit and download at
you only need to choose any features or programs that you want to install
but pls tick the email box which is compulsory.. other features is up to you interest..
Have a nice day..
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fucabook pretending as Facebook
Musim perayaan ini akan menjadikan laman web sosial bertambah popular dan bakal mendapat kunjungan tertinggi kerana pengguna sibuk berbalas ucapan dan berbual untuk merapatkan silaturahim terutama yang jauh di mata.Namun, perlu diingat dalam keghairahan itu ada anasir yang mengambil kesempatan mencuri butir-butir rahsia kita termasuk kata laluan dengan tujuan memporakperandakan sistem, malah lebih parah lagi boleh mengakibatkan kerugian wang ringgit.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Transparent Electronics
The chip, known as (TRRAM) or transparent resistive random access memory, is similar to existing chips known as (CMOS) or metal-oxide semiconductor memory, which we use in our electronic devices. The difference is that TRRAM is completely clear and transparent. What is the benefit of having transparency?
"It is a new milestone of transparent electronic systems," says Jung Won Seo. "By integrating TRRAM with other transparent electronic components, we can create a total see-through embedded electronic systems."
The technology could enable the windows or mirrors in your home to be used as computer monitors and television screens. This technology is expected to be available within 3 to 4 years.
Motorola Cliq – Motorola Google Android Phone
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Start off Every Day RIGHT!!!
According to Mark Kennedy,
"All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness. "
Do mankind will turn into the scenario that show in Wall-E (movie) with full of laziness in the coming future???
Anyway, i hope i can begin my every day rightly and have a good day!! Wish me goodluck!!
Remind yourself of why you do this.
Invest energy in positive activities.
Grin—it’s contagious.
Hang out with positive people.
Take time to reflect and renew.
Potong Saga - 15Malaysia
it is a creative and brilliant work...
The lesson from this short video is
DO NOT Misinterpret the Meaning of language!!!
For more 15Malaysia Videos, visit to
Friday, September 11, 2009
Meter - 15Malaysia
15Malaysia is 15 short films about Malaysia that featuring some of the country's coolest directors, actors, musicians and politicians. The project is produced by Pete Teo and sponsored by P1.
Quite Interesting!!!
For more videos, visit to
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Gyro Technology
This wild new motorcycle, invented by 19-year-old Ben J. Poss Gulak, is among the latest inventions to capture attention. Debuting at the National Motorcycle Show in Toronto, the "Uno" uses gyro technology for balance and acceleration. It is a battery charged machine that accelerates by leaning forward and slowing down by leaning backwards. It weighs approximately 129 pounds (58 kg.) and has a top speed of 25 mph (40 klms).
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Myster Shopper Job Offers
Pls visit to this website and register as member and get the latest tasks.
P/s: do read the Terms and Conditions.
MBO Spring Kuching Grand Opening Today
Apply the MBO membership card today and enjoy the discount for life.
-RM10 for registeration fees (resgistration fee excluded till 9/9/2009)
-RM100 for credit
-lifetime membership card
-enjoy discount RM1 for every movie
-enjoy birthday free ticket for 2persons
For more info, visit
Monday, September 7, 2009
Happiness In Life

English Translation of the above
One day, the young lion asked his mom: "Mom, where is the happiness?"
Mom replied: "It's on your tail."
So the young lion keeps on chasing after his tail. But after a whole day of trying, he failed to get the happiness that was on his tail.
Then he told his mom about this, his mom smiled and said: "Son, you don't really need to chase after your happiness, as long as you keep going and moving forward, your happiness will always be with you."
Wish everyone of you find your happiness.
You can't decide the length of life, but you can control how you want to live it.
You can't control the weather, but you can control your mood.
You can't change your look, but you can smile.
You can't control others, but you can control yourself.
You can't foresee tomorrow, but you can utilize today wisely.
You can't win everything, but you can try your very best to achieve that.
Hope everyone can face the daily life positively and always happy...
Sunday, September 6, 2009
付出真心 才会得到真心
保持距离 就能保护自己
有时候 不是对方不在乎你
朋友就是把你看透了 还能喜欢你的人
就算是believe 中间也藏了一个lie
而是在一起 就算不说话
为你的难过而快乐的 是敌人
为你的快乐而快乐的 是朋友
就是那些 该放进心里的人
冷漠 有时候并不是无情
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Beware of Unethical Streamyx Dealer
pls take attention on this issues. P/S: not all dealer will practice this ways.
This was what my cousin experienced with the registration of streamyx combo which dealing through streamyx dealer. Firstly, the dealer gave her the id and password which is invalid without any official receipt( that consist of user id and password ) after the registration. After trying for many times in setup the connection but still fail with the given id and pw, my cousin and elderly brother also have no idea on it. Thus, they turn this problems to me and i still unable to do the connection succesfully by guide them through phone conversation. At the end, the dealer send their installer come to setup for my cousin and charging for RM60.
What i want to point out here is they provided the wrong id and password and create another new opportunity for services charge. This is because their installer using another (correct) id and password for the connection setup that different from the id and password which told to my cousin. No wonder ourselves cant even establish connection successfully. This really unethical practice.
1) go to TM branches rather than dealer
2) ask for receipt with complete and correct id and pw for the registration
3) follow the instructions in the receipt for initial line activation and setup
4) install the streamyx softwares ( call 100 for assistant if problem occurs )
Friday, September 4, 2009
Australian businessman dismisses Facebook threats
Facebook warned Thursday that members who bought information from the Australian online marketing company could be banned from the site.
Leon Hill, 24, who founded and owns, agreed that his customers could be breaching Facebook's terms of service -- but added that Facebook was almost powerless to stop him.
He said Facebook would be "well within their rights" to ban its members who accepted's offer but that it "would be almost impossible to track what we're doing."
Hill's Brisbane-based firm this week angered Facebook by offering to sell a user 1,000 friends for 177 US dollars and 5,000 friends -- the limit imposed by Facebook on a standard profile account -- for 654 dollars.
Facebook "fan" pages have no limits and said it could supply 1,000 Facebook fans for 177 dollars and 10,000 fans for 1,167 dollars.
Likening his service to a dating agency, Hill said his company manually scrolled through Facebook's millions of pages for users who had listed an interest in or already had links to a particular client's industry.
For example, he said they trawled Facebook on behalf of a dealer in performance car parts to find people with an interest in the automotive industry, who were then sent a friend request or fan suggestion.
"We don't manipulate accounts at all," he said. "We are targeting people for our clients but at the end of the day it's all up to the end user," he said.
Hill said his company did the same thing with microblogging site Twitter, which he said had tried unsuccessfully to stop its members using
"In the end the thing is that I'm not actually ever doing anything against the terms of service -- it's the actual users who purchases my services (who is)," he said.
"Unless they actually say anything, unless they make it known to Facebook or Twitter that they've actually bought my services, there's absolutely nothing they (Facebook or Twitter) can do."
2nd hand Tech-Goods

HTC TYTN ii (RM13xx)
-slide type PDA smart phone
ASPIRE 4920 (RM13xx)
-C2Duo 2.0Ghz
-14.1 LCD with webcam
-2GB RAM ; 160GB HDD
-Graphics Media Accelerator X3100
-Bluetooth ; Wireless
ASPIRE 5583 (RM11xx)
C2Duo 1.66Ghz
-14.1 LCD with webcam
-512MB RAM ; 120GB HDD
-Graphics Media Accelerator 950
-Bluetooth ; Wireless
##Full accesories and in good condition..
p/s: price are stil negotiable...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Virtual detectives stalk in-game spammers
While some companies cause havoc with PC users via e-mail spam and viruses, a new type of spam company is targeting the huge worlds of massively multiplayer online (MMO) videogames like Activision Blizzard's "World of Warcraft."
In-game characters controlled by individuals working for spam companies infiltrate these virtual worlds and bombard players with unsolicited ads for the sale of in-game virtual items like swords and even playable characters.
This type of activity is forbidden by all game publishers within their player rules of conduct so Sony Online Entertainment (SOE), which oversees MMO games like "EverQuest," "Star Wars Galaxies" and "Free Realms," is flexing its online muscle.
SOE has created the Norathian Underground Gnome Investigation Team or NUGIT, which refers to the fantasy world of Norath in "Everquest."
This nine-member team focuses on in-game fraud, working like detectives as they police SOE's game worlds in search of spammers and try to uncover their entire operations.
"People get very frustrated when they see spam. It's the equivalent of junk mail and you're getting this in-game and it's very frustrating," said John Smedley, president of Sony Online Entertainment.
To date, SOE has closed 295,000 subscription accounts across its MMO games as a result of NUGIT's patrols.
Brad Wilcox, director of customer support at SOE and manager of NUGIT, said these "farming" organizations are very organized.
Companies hire players to log online and build up in-game characters and accrue virtual items and gold by performing mundane activities.
These items are transported via "mules" to "runners," who sell these items to players for cash through third-party sites.
Players looking to upgrade to better characters or access more powerful weapons can buy these items directly, saving themselves hours of playing the game to get these upgrades.
Game publishers don't like third-party companies making money off their in-game world -- and many legitimate players don't like dealing with these interruptions to gameplay.
"Once a player reports a spammer or farmer to NUGIT, we watch the individual account and track other accounts of the mules and runners associated with the organization," explained Wilcox.
"Rather than closing down one account, we'll follow the individual and end up banning as many as 100 to 200 accounts based off one tip."
Smedley estimates the worldwide take of farmed virtual items is $2 billion a year industry via these third-party companies.
"A lot of them are offshore. It's very difficult to stop somebody that's in another country, particularly one where the laws aren't friendly to the United States and it can be very challenging," he said.
SOE does offer an alternative to its players, letting them convert real cash into virtual cash to purchase in-game items from the publisher legally and safely.
Since MMO game publishers rely on monthly subscription fees from players, ensuring they keep enjoying the game is key but this does open up cash opportunities for farmers.
"As long as players want in-game items so much that they're willing to spend real-world money on them, this is going to be a problem," said Chris Baker, videogame editor at Wired Magazine.
(Taken from Article written By John Gaudiosi)